Athletes and Teams
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Athletes and Teams

In Nova Scotia, there’s no end to the stunning scenery inviting us to swim, bike and run in our backyard.

NS Triathletes come in all shapes, sizes and ages – and from all walks of life. The typical stereotype of a triathlete is that they are all super-fit super-achievers, but triathlon today has outgrown that image. Triathlon truly is for everybody. Many people are getting into the sport for the challenge, the fun, the camaraderie of a club or just to shake up their fitness routine.



Triathlon Nova Scotia offers a series of triathlons aimed at children with little or no experience in the sport. Events are designed to offer kids ages 3 to 12 an opportunity to participate in triathlons.

New to Triathlon?

New to Triathlon?

A triathlon is a multiple-stage competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance activities. While many variations of the sport exist, the most popular form involves swimming, cycling and running over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time, including timed “transitions” between the individual swim, cycle and run components. There is something for everyone, but careful — triathlon is addictive!

If you are interested in participating as an athlete, official, or event volunteer contact Triathlon Manitoba. It takes a community to support Triathlon!

Find out what's new at Triathlon Nova Scotia.

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